Join Our Family

The main aim of this Club is to keep our members up to date with information on new bottlings within the Cadenhead’s range. Members shall be notified approximately 1 week before the general public when a new release from Cadenhead’s is about to appear.

Members will also have access to exclusive club bottlings during each year. These bottles will be available to purchase only by Club members and, although every effort will be made to deliver these bottles to our members, please note that Club exclusive bottles cannot be delivered to all countries. Please consult with the Club administrator if you are arranging for delivery to an address for the first time.

We always love to meet our members and we are already looking forward to meeting you, whether that is at our Cadenhead’s Club tasting at the Campbeltown Malts Festival or at other events outside the town. Your Club membership will also allow you to enjoy two free tastings a year (this includes the Cadenhead’s warehouse tasting in Campbeltown and Cadenhead’s whisky tasting in London), subject to booking and availability. 

If you have any questions about this please contact the Club – [email protected].

If you would like to join the Cadenhead’s Club please scroll down to add your polo shirt size to the basket and then complete the order form on the next page.  Joining the Cadenhead’s Club has never been easier!

Please note: due to a number of factors there are some countries, such as the US, that we are currently unable to send orders to. Delivery options will be restricted on the next page of this process.

We apologise for any inconvenience caused.

For details on countries available for shipping, please click here.

If you remain unsure as to whether we can deliver to your address, please email [email protected].


Some Club Perks

Free Cadenhead Club tastings

Two free tastings per year - for life

Access to exclusive club bottlings

Advanced notice of bottlings before public release